Iyanla, Now You Know What You Didn’t Before, and When You Know Better, You Do Better!!

This past week on Oprah’s show has been magnificent.  What we’ve witnessed is the cool clear water of revelation that wise women everywhere are slowly sipping, savoring, and being refreshed by.  We are drinking our fill!  It’s the beauty of God’s gifts of wisdom that He bestows through His willing vessels.  It’s the beauty that comes after one has endured the ashes of the hardships of life–having gone through the pain and having come out on the other side, triumphant!

These hardships happen because we can only see in part–through a glass darkly.  We don’t have all of the information yet.  But we work with what we do have as we continue to grow, and maintain faith in the One who does have all the information.  Then when we least expect it and in a way we don’t expect it, and right when we’re ready for it, He reveals profounds things to us.  Just what we need.  Right when we were at the end of our rope.

That’s what I believe Sister Iyanla Vanzant has experienced.   Before, she knew some things, but only in part.  She didn’t have a revelation of those things that she knew.  God often works like that in our lives.  He gives us a part of the revelation of our lives, gives us the freedom to make our decisions, and allows us to experience the difficulties of our bad choices.  He then takes all of that pain and hardship and uses it to make us better.  He prunes us, as a tree, so that we bear greater and more excellent fruit.  The pruning hurts.  It’s very painful.  But it is needed.   Gardeners understand the importance of pruning.  Trees and plants will oftentime start growing extra branches that are called “sucker branches”.   These little twigs grow out from the main branch of a tree or plant, and uselessly steal energy and water from the main branch.  Good gardeners know to simply prune these excess branches away.  We also need pruning.  Without God’s spiritual pruning, we would just grow a lot of  “sucker branches”, which are unproductive issues in our lives that can drain us of spiritual energy and vitality.

Iyanla had a lot of stuff going on that was unproductive to her life and her ministry.  Because she was insecure and fearful, she tried to conjure through manipulation, some self esteem for herself by playing a weak game with Oprah that backfired royally.  I believe it was this:

“Oprah, see, I got someone “big” calling on me!  That has to mean that I’m important.  So I want you to tell me again how much you really love me as I dangle this “big” person in your face.  I don’t want her, I just want to make you a little jealous.  Show me a little extra love, so I can feel great about myself, because deep down, I don’t feel I deserve anything you’ve done for me.  Remind me that I’m worthy.  Fight for me.  Confirm your love.”    

This is just my humble opinion.   I’ve manipulated in similar ways myself.  A lot of people do.  Unfortunately, it’s just an energy drainer, a sucker branch that’s stealing your vitality.

So her manipulations backfired and God allowed her to suffer the consequences of her decisions.  And 10 years later, she’s received revelation.  She’s wiser for all she suffered.  She’s closer to God.   Because she did hold on to God’s unchanging hand, He brought her through to the other side of the storm.   Her storm was huge.  Loss of child to cancer.  Loss of husband.  Loss of career.  Loss of dream home.  Loss.  She really did go THROUGH!!!  But….she survived it all with God!!!

When we see her still standing, we marvel.  I know I do.  I want to hear every word she has to say about her experience.  I want to know what God taught her.  I want to drink at the well of her wisdom.  I believe she can truly teach a few things about life now, from experience!  These are the types of people that we should listen to and learn from.  These wise souls are truly valuable to us.

Iyanla was very famous for the advice she gave us so long ago.  I believe her advice was good advice.  It was sound advice.  Interestingly, I read every one of her books, enjoyed them immensely and was a huge fan, but right now, I can’t remember any of her life lessons from any of her books!  This is not a negative commentary on her.  Maybe my soul was opened up to receive at that time.  I intend to buy all her books that I read back then, in addition to her new book and compare them all just to see the culmination of her wisdom, her ministry, her gift from God.   Back then, she was a wise woman in training.  Now she’s the real deal!

4 Comments Add yours

  1. Eleanie says:

    In the words of my grand mother I’ll simply say what she says to me “just keep living”.

  2. Citizen Ojo says:

    Interesting observations and it was laid out in a way that didn’t show any snark towards Iyanla. Good Job.

  3. JAMES MCCOY says:

    ditto to the above comments

  4. Anna Renee says:

    Thank You, and peace to you all!

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